Stephen Matlin Imperial College London, Henning Hopf Technical University of Braunschweig, Alain Krief International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development & Goverdhan Mehta University of Hyderabad
We are the last generation that can prevent irreparable damage to our planet, let's clean up, catch up and smarten up.
1 November 2019

Miguel Antonio Lim University of Manchester, Rebecca Murray University of Exeter & Andreina Laera Marie Curie Alumni Association
Researchers displaced due to conflict face a range of barriers when attempting to continue their professional pursuits in the country they have migrated to, removing these barriers is crucial for alleviating suffering and unleashing the potential of academics and students with unique backgrounds and perspectives.
12 September 2019
Denis Bourguet, Thomas Guillemaud & Benoit Facon Institut national de la recherche agronomique
To break the monopoly of expensive paid journals, we should make use of free journals and free platforms of editorial boards evaluating preprint articles.
25 June 2019

Ajay Gambhir Imperial College London
How we can create a more ambitious, more radical (and maybe even more optimistic) view of the low-carbon future.
6 May 2019
Angela Bellia National Research Council of Italy
European research funding is unevenly distributed. The success of the upcoming funding programme Horizon Europe hinges on how well it manages to overcome the geopolitical differences around the continent that have created this inequality. To realize Europe's full research potential, diverse contributions and widening participation must be recognized as an integral part of research excellence.
26 February 2019
Sara Ricardo Instituto de Biología Molecular de Barcelona & Gilles Mirambeau Sorbonne Université
The 'lost generation' refers to mid-career researchers that, after completing many temporary positions, find themselves largely excluded from research careers. How do we address this growing issue?
29 October 2018
Pavlo Bazilinskyy TU Delft, Claudio Beretta ETH Zurich & Roberto Merino-Martinez TU Delft
Transport accounts for a quarter of global carbon dioxide emissions and remains one of few sectors where emissions are still growing. A key challenge is determining the relative importance of pursuing a technological or a sociological solution: should we change transportation or the behaviour of people?
15 October 2018

Stephanie Mathisen Sense about Science
Show your workings! Why transparency in policymaking matters
23 April 2018
Filippo Lechthaler Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Alexandra Vinogradova Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), Moritz Flubacher Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss & Andrea Rossa Federal Office for Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss
Livelihoods of rural populations, especially in developing countries, depend heavily on weather and climate. The use of climate information in economic activities may serve as a possible adaptation strategy to changing climate conditions. Climate services channel climate information to individuals or organisations in a way that supports decision-making. Here we summarise the potential of climate services as a contributor to the Sustainable Development Goals and present an overview on how their economic value is assessed. We suggest that climate services could constitute, especially in the most vulnerable settings, an important element of climate change adaptation strategies boosting ongoing poverty alleviation efforts.
28 March 2018
Corrado Nai Technische Universität Berlin
Can open access help scientific publishing move from a prestige economy to a shared scientific economy?
20 March 2018

Eoin Gahan
The rules no longer apply. The biggest challenge facing the new EU is the growing threat to the international economic order. From banking to free movement of people and goods to international law and trade, bilateral alliances and unilateral moves have undermined existing structures. As Brexit heats up, a new 2-part series from trade expert Eoin Gahan will explore its trade and investment prospects.
27 November 2017
Ajay Giri Prakash Kottapalli, Meghali Bora Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART), Jianmin Miao Nanyang Technological University, Singapore & Michael Triantafyllou Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Natural biological sensors, designed, tested, and adapted via evolutionary processes, typically exhibit sensing performances that far exceed those currently achieved by human-engineered sensors. Bioinspired and biomimetic flow velocity sensors, inspired by the mechanosensory lateral-line system found in blind cavefish, can be used for a wide range of applications including underwater robots.
5 February 2017
Roudabeh Kishi University of Sussex, Ciara Aucoin ACLED & Clionadh Raleigh University of Sussex
The growth of pro-government political militias and unidentified armed groups has traditionally been associated with weak state capacity however, new research suggests this may be a method of institutional management and can be seen as evidence of a strong state rather than a fragile one.
13 March 2016
Michael Weatherburn Imperial College London
Much debate surrounds the choice of indicator used to determine economic performance and stage of development for governments, businesses and citizens.
24 January 2016
Tim O'Brien Harvard University
A promising technology that aims to reflect a small percentage of sunlight back into space called Solar Radiation Management (SRM) could complement mitigation and adaptation in the fight against climate change.
1 December 2015
Peter Lang Member of Institution of Engineers Australia
Is climate modelling for carbon pricing based on theoretical assumptions that are unlikely to hold in the real world? The benefits of carbon pricing are highly uncertain, and hence it is likely not the most effective way to tackle greenhouse gas emissions.
26 November 2015
Ilan Kelman University College London
Climate change affects everyone. For Arctic communities, the unpredictable nature of the changes is having a profound impact on health and entire livelihoods. The Arctic people know they’ll need to adapt to a rapidly changing landscape, one in which dependency on the seasons can no longer be relied upon.
30 September 2015

Carl Lee University of Sheffield
The challenge of moving towards a low carbon future is one now embraced by the political leaders of the G7, but how that path will unfold is still a live political debate. Local energy co-operatives offer a viable and progressive path to sustainability.
22 June 2015
Arjav Trivedi Imperial College London
Marine energy has the potential to play a key role in the UK's energy mix in the coming decades, benefited by both its geography and its historical expertise. It is now critical that the necessary steps are taken to enable the technology to progress to the commercially viable stage, and realise its full potential.
22 June 2015
Steve Trent Environmental Justice Foundation
A rights-based approach to protecting victims of climate-induced displacement is needed; one which recognises entitlement to assistance and protection, and leverages opportunities for safe and dignified migration.
15 May 2015
Judith Alazraque-Cherni Imperial College London
This article identifies the broad spectrum of challenges facing China’s energy sector and looks at the impact of this policy intervention on its development.
1 January 2013
Shigeyuki Koide
The Japanese government and their domestic nuclear industry are facing a serious dilemma. While geologists caution about the risk of active seismic faults the electric power industry is pressing the need to restart nuclear power plants.
1 January 2013
Jenny Nelson & Christopher Emmott Imperial College London
Until now only a fraction of 1% of energy has been provided by direct conversion of solar energy, but that is set to change: International Energy Agency projections anticipate that some 11% of electric power will be provided by solar technologies by 2050.
1 October 2012
Kartik Rao Metalysis Ltd.
Recent friction in the field of rare earths and platinum group metals demonstrate that it will be essential to find a mutually beneficial outcome for the mineral wealthy and the technology rich.
1 October 2012
Flo Bullough Geological Society & Chris Moffatt
Access to clean water is a fundamental human need. We must find low-cost ways of analysing toxic contaminants in the field, and develop cheap and effective remediation methods.
1 May 2012
Michelle Moram Imperial College London
New Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology could potentially achieve a reduction of 15% in total electricity consumption in developed countries
1 May 2012
Philip de Grouchy Cornell & John O'Neill
The answer to nuclear waste disposal may lie in deep underground geological storage, yet this strategy faces strong ‘Not In My Back Yard’ opposition.
1 May 2012

Franca Hoffmann University of Cambridge
High rates of urbanisation and population growth has led to housing and infrastructural incapacity in Ghana, threatening the country's economic success story.
1 January 2012