Jana Rodriguez Hertz Southern University of Science and Technology
If Maria Emilia is a Latin American scientist, half of her colleagues are probably also women, but her chance of being admitted to the National Academy or National Agency is much lower than for her male colleagues. What are the main challanges women in science face in Latin America and the Caribbean? And what policies would (or should) support them?
1 October 2018
Ronald Labonté University of Ottawa
As countries race to dominate the medical tourism sector and attract the wealthiest patients from around world, what damage is being caused to the health of their own citizens?
30 June 2015
Catherine Ansell Risk Management Solutions
Catastrophe models are an emerging tool for governments, NGOs and international aid agencies to assess and prepare for the risks posed by natural disasters.
9 April 2015
Lydia Tanner & Jennie Thomas Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust
Can humanitarian aid ever really be non-political? How far should NGOs go to avoid being drawn into the power-struggles inherent to warfare? And what happens when international organisations are denied access, and local communities become the only humanitarian actors?
1 October 2013
Franca Hoffmann University of Cambridge
According to the International Monetary Fund, seven of the ten fastest growing economies over the next five years will be in Africa, a figure which is starting to capture the attention of both private and institutional investors.
1 January 2013
Andrew Harmer University of Edinburgh, Folayinka Dania & Lesong Conteh Imperial College London
Since their emergence as a group, many commentators have championed the BRICS as good news for global health. However, this article seeks to explore whether it is right to assume that their economic accolades readily extend to the sphere of Global Health.
1 January 2013
Judith Alazraque-Cherni Imperial College London
This article identifies the broad spectrum of challenges facing China’s energy sector and looks at the impact of this policy intervention on its development.
1 January 2013